Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is Declan Ganley another Max Bialystock?

Is Ganley another Max Bialystock?

Remember The Producers? Max Bialystock awashed up Broadway producer
is aided by a mousey accountant in a clever scam to reveal old ladies
of their savings.

The two hatched the ultimate scam: Raise more money than you need for
a SURE Flop Broadway Show. Max Biyalistok romanced rich old ladies to
finance his efforts
No one will expect anything back and you can pocket the difference.

Max, sorry Declan, has hired Joe Trippi a US campaign consultant to
help hoover up cash.

Trippi is a genius when it comes to fundraising but less successful at
backing winners - the pesky voters wont toe the line.

Trippi has worked on the presidential campaigns of Edward Kennedy,
Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, Dick Gephardt, and most recently John
Edwards. All of whom lost their elections.

He served as campaign manager for presidential candidate Howard Dean.
The Dean campaign, and Trippi specifically, became widely acclaimed
for the innovative use of the Internet for fundraising.

Dean dumped Trippi as campaign manager in January 282004 after bombing
in the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary.

So Trippi is good at raising funds but less successful at winning elections.

If Libertas is really just a fund raising wheeze as many are begining
to suspect does this mean Declan is another Max Bialystock?

Be interesting to know is Trippi is being paid a retainer or a
percentage of the take.


  1. As was pointed out to you elsewhere, Joe Trippi has a huge collection of successful campaigns behind him:
    He worked on the successful reelection of Tom Bradley as Mayor of Los Angeles.
    He worked on the successful state convention in Maine and on the successful primary campaigns in Iowa
    and Pennsylvania for Jimmy Carter's Vice President Walter Mondale.
    He worked on the successful campaign for Govenor of Virginia for Jerry Baliles,
    the successful election campaign for California Senator Alan Cranston,
    the successful election campaign for Senator from Maryland for Barbara Mikulski
    for the successfuk campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania for Bob Casey.
    He was responsible for winning the Iowa caucuses for Missouri's Dick Gephardt in 1987.
    He worked on Congressman Jim Moran's successful election campaign in 1990,
    Worked on Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky's successful election campaign in 1992
    He worked on Andreas Papandreou's successful campaign for Prime Minister of Greece in 1993
    He worked on the successful campaign for Senator Ron Wyden
    for Governor of Oregon John Kitzhaber successful campaign
    And also on the successful election campaign for Congressman Tim Holden
    The successful election campaign for New York Congressman John Hall
    Worked on Tony Blair's reelection campaign in 2005 and on the successful campaign for Romano Prodi in 2006

    Your lack political knowledge is dwarfed only by your inability to tell the truth.

  2. A User from the libertas employee David Cochrane's who works for Libertas, Cookiemonster, has been trying to sell Libertas snake oil through the comment section here. His comments will no longer be published as he has a whole website to play with. I recommend you view his comments on irelands best political forum Machine Nation
    Machine Nation


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