Declan Ganley's much hyped appearance on Sky News last Tuesday was a poor affair if he intended it to launch yet another political career. It was delayed by Brian Cowen's press conference and the media frenzy surrounding it. When Ganley appeared eventually, he looked rather spivvy in his trademark Arthur Daly tan coat with black velvet collar.
Interviewed on the street outside the Cowen press conference he cut a lonely and insignificant figure. He was interviewed along with Guy Verhofstadt from a Brussels studio.
Ganley was cut off by a presenter who admonished him for mis quoting Verhofstadt. FAIL Ganley ! Which brings me to the next item.
However Ganley has being tweeting like mad the last few days the most interesting one I have found was directed at his minion Alan kenndey (Cookiemonster on politics.ie).
@Kennedy_Alan I'm reading De Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America' (again) & William Shirer's brilliant history for the 1st time (great find)
William Shirer is most famous for his history book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" (1960). Given the aspirations of and political groupings in his Libertas Party, it is perhaps surprising that he had not thought to read this classic at an earlier date. perhaps the fact that it is called " The Rise AND Fall" was off putting to Herr Ganley.
Now that he has taken two sore kickings at the ballot box he may be trying to see how to effect that all illusive "Rise" .
It s widely suspected that Ganley's ego will be putting itself forward in the next Irish general election.
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