Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What now for Palestinians?
What now for ordinary Palestinians? What would you do if it was your country?
In Ireland following the 1916 Rising the people rejected the politicians that said Irish people should fight in WWI when in 1918 they elected a majority of separatist Members to the British Parliament. These MPs set up their own parliament and their armed wing fought a war that was partially successful in that British troops withdrew from 26 of Ireland's 32 counties in 1922.
If you were living in Gaza or the West Bank what would you do if you listened to al-Jazeera for the last few days or read the Guardian?
See The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/palestine-papers
Perhaps you would think that there is no point in living in lies any longer.
Perhaps the entire population of the West Bank and Gaza need to form a human sacrifice, unarmed they should march on the borders that confine them, yes thousands will die, maybe hundreds of thousands will die but in one or two days their marching, unarmed, mass of humanity would breach those checkpoints and borders.
If I was a Palestinian I would rather die than live anymore in these conditions and surrounded by liars and thieves.
A March for Freedom, unarmed and dignified would negate the Israeli death machine's propaganda.
A March for freedom would bring death as a peaceful martyr of freedom.
The alternative is a total war which will also cost hundreds of thousands of lives but would be far more prolonged.
Both options are viable and just alternatives when all hope is lost for Palestine, as it is now.
For other suggestions leave comments below.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Palin Staffers start wikipedia page Blood libel (American political phrase)
Palin's staffers have now given her use of the phrase its own Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel_%28U.S._political_term%29
in an effort to diffuse her latest disgusting own goal I imagine the discussion page will heat up tonight as Wikipedia editors ask for the page to be deleted , the page was started by a Wikipedia user called KeepSouth whose first wikipedia edits were to remove info about a Wasilla male model and Palin's daughter's boyfriendLevi Johnston see http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Levi_Johnston&diff=prev&oldid=321395156
Yes that is right Levi Johnston father of Palin's grandson by her daughter Bristol , since then (5:29, 22 October 2009 ) KeepSouth has been running a pro Palin campaign on Wikipedia.
Here is a link to Keepsouth's wikipedia edits http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/KeptSouth
Palin "blood libel" yet another own goal for the Christotaliban? as staffers start Wikipedia page Blood libel (U.S. political term)
While defending people's first Amendment right to free speech she attacked that very free speech that has landed her in hot water.
However her choice of a famously anti Semitic reference "Blood Libel" to describe people who criticized her gung ho lock and load gun rhetoric she eclipsed all previous Palinisms.
Some like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat of Florida, who is a close friend of Ms. Giffords, issued a statement condemning her use of the phrase “blood libel.” saying
“Palin’s comments either show a complete ignorance of history, or blatant anti-Semitism,” said Jonathan Beeton, Ms. Wasserman Shultz’s spokesman. “Either way, it shows an appalling lack of sensitivity given Representative Giffords’s faith and the events of the past week.”
For more see NY Times http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/12/palin-calls-criticism-blood-libel/?hp
Blood libel (also blood accusation[1][2]) refers to a false accusation or claim[3][4][5] that religious minorities, in European contexts almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays.[1][2][6] Historically, these claims have–alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration–been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.[4]
The libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and historically blood libel claims have often been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children
Palin's staffers have now given her use of the phrase its own Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel_%28U.S._political_term%29
in an effort to diffuse her latest disgusting own goal I imagine the discussion page will heat up tonight as Wikipedia editors ask for the page to be deleted , the page was started by a Wikipedia user called KeepSouth whose first wikipedia edits were to remove info about a Wasilla "male model and Palin's daughter's boyfriend
Levi Johnston see http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Levi_Johnston&diff=prev&oldid=321395156
Yes that is right Levi Johnston father of Palin's grandson by her daughter Bristol , since then KeepSouth has been running a pro Palin campaign on Wikipedia.
Here is a link to Keepsouth's wikipedia edits http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/KeptSouth
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sarah Palin's staff remove posts derogatory to her in one min but leave ones justifying the murder of 9 year old, Christina Taylor Green, for 20 min

Read it here http://obamalondon.blogspot.com/2011/01/inexplicable-edits-on-sarah-palins.html
the comment by Tina King
It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."
What kind of people does Palin employ? Obviously ones who are on message....sarah Palin's message
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Should Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Fox News be indited for incitement to murder?
See my post on Jared Lee Loughner and Sarah Palin comments welcome http://peoplekorps.blogspot.com/2011/01/jared-lee-loughners-you-tube-chanal-and.html
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Jared Lee Loughner's Youtube channel videos and Sarah Palin's back peddling
The Sarah Palin wing of the Tea Bag Party may be retracting their vitriol and Sarah is definitely deleting the posts on Twitter that placed sniper sites over Ms Gifford's seat and therefore person but the far right in the USA that Palin embodies and attempts to lead have a lot of questions to answer regardless of Jared Lee Loughner's state of mind. .............Read More below

The Sarah Palin wing of the Tea Bag Party may be retracting their vitriol and Sarah is definitely deleting the posts on Twitter that placed sniper sites over Ms Gifford's seat and therefore person but the rise of the far right in the USA that Palin embodies and attempts to lead leads to questions they must address regardless of Jared Lee Loughner state of mind.
This suspect in USA congresswoman Gifford shooting and the shooting dead of a federal judge and a nine year old girl has a youtube channel which contains three videos. On 15 Dec he posted his final thoughts video
His profile indicates diverse reading material and yet he sought to target one of Palin's targets.
Below is his Youtube profile info from his channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Classitup10#p/a/u/1/nHoaZaLbqB4
Name:Jared Lee LoughnerChannel Views:271Joined:25 October 2010Website:About Me:My name is Jared Lee Loughner!Hometown:TucsonCountry:United StatesUniversity/College/School:I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College.Interests:My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar. Conscience dreams were a great study in college!Films:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)Music:Pass me the strings!Books:I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno.
This episode highlights the type of nut jobs that this blog has warned about getting a political voice and the effects of the voices of the far right psychopaths and their psychopathic supporters.
Apathy is not an option the far right must be politically called to account.
Having previously tweeted "Commonsense conservatives and Lovers of America:Don't retreat: Instead-Reload" Sarah Palin now states on Twitter
My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona.
On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.
- Sarah Palin
Too little too late Sarah and hopefully you will now retire. What did she think her militant gun rhetoric would lead to...democratic debates?
Her introduction of militaristic rhetoric in democratic politics indicates the fact that the far right will use any means to destabilise democracy.
Glenn Beck and Palin and Fox News may well have blood on their hands and it is not the blood of their Christ but rather innocents including a nine year old girl.
According to the New York Times 17 people were shot, as this story is breaking we dont know how many will have been killed http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09giffords.html?_r=1&hp
Below is Jared Loughner, a volunteer, during the Tucson Festival of Books 2010

We might ask why a boy interested in books who read both the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf targeted a local Arizona congresswoman also targeted in the national media by Sarah Palin, her employers Fox News and their shining star Glenn Beck. According to the NY York Times he shot Gifford point blank.
Who is the psycho? Is it Sarah Palin who puts targets on democratically elected representatives and her and Glenn Beck's Fox News with their hate talk talk and vitriol, or a young man who pulled their trigger? The former will no doubt retreat into their high moral tones while the latter will be tried and if found guilty jailed for life without parole or the judicial form of murder called execution which is legal in Arizona.
Sarah Palin should apologise to the people of America and to the upholders of the constitution and the republic that her hate rhetoric has stained. She should just retreat back to killing the wildlife of Alaska instead of targeting her political opponents for assassination!! Remember one of the first dead in this incident was a nine year old innocent child.
Mrs Palin, please remember blood rhetoric begets blood and only the most naive of people would use such rhetoric in public life unless they desired consequences such as today's horrific events. If you are that naive then you have no place running for the presidency or any other elected office. If you are not that naive then you are a dangerous psychopath as culpable as the person alleged to have pulled the trigger.
The politics of hate breed a culture of murder!
On 15 Dec Loughner put up his video which starts with the words "My Final Thoughts"
Sarah Palin should put her final political message also beginning with the words "I shall never seek political office ever in my life and I will resign from any public roll as a political leader or commentator forthwith"