Libertas's Alan Kennedy has returned to his former day job working in a bookies office.
So much for the thousand year Reich. Kennedy who posts on Ireland's most corrupt bulletin "bored" as Cookiemonster is a, super far right, former employee of the US arms industry lovely Declan Ganley. On Ganley's former employee , David Cochrane's , he has kept the far right flag flying with intermittent breaks to take bets from "annoying" punters.
What are the odds on Cookie Kennedy getting back into a funded political role? eh?
Feck all to 1 me thinks.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
White Culture What is it ? Just ask Glenn Beck oh heck he does not know either! Duh
Fox News employee, the Neo-Nazi Glenn Beck, fails to explain what the "white culture " he claims to defend actually is.
Expel this Nazi to "Whiteland"
Expel this Nazi to "Whiteland"
Nicolas Sarközy, the Roma and the Junkies he feeds at French taxpayer's expense.
Nicolas Sarközy is deporting Roma. Does any one care about Roma? He is deporting men , woman and children and according to him this is to suppress crime.
Does any one care about Roma?
Nicolas Sarközy is a descendant of Hungarian emigrants to France. Does anyone care about Roma?
Nicolas Sarközy is a proto fascist whose dinner talk is unsavory.
So what. Does anyone care about the Roma?
In Private
Nicolas Sarközy talks about having sexual relations with his wife in front of dinner guests in the Élysée Palace.
Nicolas Sarközy has entertained for dinner, junkies and ex-junky friends of Carla Bruni. All criminals in the past and some in the present.
One week before his first state visit to the UK, he boasted at dinner about the pomp and ceremony they would have . He told Carla about the carriage they would be drawn in and then asserted that: "Next week we will be staying in Buckingham Palace and I will fuck you hard in the bedroom under the Queen of fucking England". This was not a private chat it took palce in front of dinner guests at the seat of the French NATION. This from the man who wishes to take a higher moral ground? DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE ROMA? This is the man who is President of France???????
I dont care if his wife fucked members of the French post punk group Telefon, Mick Jagger or a baboon from the Vincennes' Zoo.
I don't care if he entertains junkies in the presidential palace at French taxpayer's expense.
I do care if he wishes to take the higher moral ground on the basis of Nazi policies of arrest and deportation of minorities.
Does anyone care about the Roma? Perhaps not! However, it is the principles that he follows in the the lineage of other persecutors and hate mongers who killed Jews, Roma, communists, the handicapped, dissenters and homosexuals in death camps and who removed citizenship from segments of the population in order to degrade and murder them in Europe.............. Boringly repetitive as it may sound .....he follows in the path of Adolf Hitler in these policies.
Whereas this blogger cares little about Nicolas Sarközy's penile fantasies, nor about the fact that he is a bit Hungarian................ "SHOCK".................. DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE ROMA? NOT ENOUGH IT SEEMS OR THE FRENCH UNIONS AND PEOPLE WOULD DECLARE A NATIONAL STRIKE UNTIL THIS DEPORTATION POLICY ENDS.
Sarközy, may run a state but it is now my life's mission to remove him , democratically from office.
Sarközy disgraces France and the French Nation and not with his penile fantasys nor his dirty mouth. He is a parasite feeding on fear and the lowest common denominator, hatred.
People Korps knows all about Sarközy ........................................his electorate should know it too.
Fight Crime ...Deport Sarközy .
Any journalists who wish to know the facts of Sarközy's junky soirées may email
Does any one care about Roma?
Nicolas Sarközy is a descendant of Hungarian emigrants to France. Does anyone care about Roma?
Nicolas Sarközy is a proto fascist whose dinner talk is unsavory.
So what. Does anyone care about the Roma?
In Private
Nicolas Sarközy talks about having sexual relations with his wife in front of dinner guests in the Élysée Palace.
Nicolas Sarközy has entertained for dinner, junkies and ex-junky friends of Carla Bruni. All criminals in the past and some in the present.
One week before his first state visit to the UK, he boasted at dinner about the pomp and ceremony they would have . He told Carla about the carriage they would be drawn in and then asserted that: "Next week we will be staying in Buckingham Palace and I will fuck you hard in the bedroom under the Queen of fucking England". This was not a private chat it took palce in front of dinner guests at the seat of the French NATION. This from the man who wishes to take a higher moral ground? DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE ROMA? This is the man who is President of France???????
I dont care if his wife fucked members of the French post punk group Telefon, Mick Jagger or a baboon from the Vincennes' Zoo.
I don't care if he entertains junkies in the presidential palace at French taxpayer's expense.
I do care if he wishes to take the higher moral ground on the basis of Nazi policies of arrest and deportation of minorities.
Does anyone care about the Roma? Perhaps not! However, it is the principles that he follows in the the lineage of other persecutors and hate mongers who killed Jews, Roma, communists, the handicapped, dissenters and homosexuals in death camps and who removed citizenship from segments of the population in order to degrade and murder them in Europe.............. Boringly repetitive as it may sound .....he follows in the path of Adolf Hitler in these policies.
Whereas this blogger cares little about Nicolas Sarközy's penile fantasies, nor about the fact that he is a bit Hungarian................ "SHOCK".................. DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE ROMA? NOT ENOUGH IT SEEMS OR THE FRENCH UNIONS AND PEOPLE WOULD DECLARE A NATIONAL STRIKE UNTIL THIS DEPORTATION POLICY ENDS.
Sarközy, may run a state but it is now my life's mission to remove him , democratically from office.
Sarközy disgraces France and the French Nation and not with his penile fantasys nor his dirty mouth. He is a parasite feeding on fear and the lowest common denominator, hatred.
People Korps knows all about Sarközy ........................................his electorate should know it too.
Fight Crime ...Deport Sarközy .
Any journalists who wish to know the facts of Sarközy's junky soirées may email
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tea Baggers No.1 threat to global democracy and peace
Fox News's chief tea bagger, Glenn Beck, has smeared the tradition and legacy of Martin Luther King Jnr. today by staging a far right gathering at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on the anniversary of Dr. King's famous "I have a dream" speech. The “far right, populist Tea Party movement" is making strides in the USA ESPOUSING A RACIST AND FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN agenda. Disturbingly, Beck asserted that the secular democracy that is the U.S.A., should be consigned to the garbage heap. Beck told crowds "Something beyond imagination is happening," Mr Beck said at the Lincoln Memorial. "America today begins to turn back to god."
Well Mr Beck, what kind of God is that?
Is it a God whose followers shout "Nigger" at elected representatives like Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia congressman and civil rights icon who was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s? In March he and other Black Caucus members were heckled with obscenities and racist abuse by Tea baggers.
Angry activists who had gathered outside the Capitol to protest health care reform Saturday yelled "nigger" at a few members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis from Georgia.Protesters also spat on at least one black lawmaker, and the most high-profile openly gay lawmaker, Rep Barney Frank, was apparently called a "faggot." Rep Emanuel Cleaver said he was spat upon while walking toward the Capitol. Police arrested the assailant, but Cleaver decided not to press charges.
However Lewis who was active in Dr King’s movement and marched with M.L.K. in the 1960s said afterwards "I've faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean.”
People in Ireland and Europe should be aware that the Christian far right is determined to make an impression in Europe. Despite their complete failure politically in 2009, there seems to be some life yet in the Christo-taliban followers of Declan Ganley and his far right Libertas party. Just this week, John McGuirk, who famously called the candidate he worked for, Caroline Simons, a "psychotic bitch" after she lost miserably at the June 2009 European elections in Ireland, was on TV3 floating the cause of a new far right political party. Libertas were a far right, supposedly Christian party which ran hundreds of candidates in the 2009 European elections. Is this the same Christ whose supporters shout "Nigger" at black men who were democratically elected? Not according to my catechism.
Libertas managed to get one seat in the European parliament with French Viscount, Phillipe De Villiers, retaining his seat. De Villiers' MPF party held three seats before joining Declan Ganley's crusade. Their two other sitting MEPs were unseated in June 2009 and the nutty Viscount promptly left Libertas with his party destroyed. He is now aligned with French president Nicolas Sarközy's UMP party which started the mass deportation of Roma last week. The so called Christian right might bear in mind that the Pope condemned Sarközy's actions.
Sadly, in Ireland last week, the panel on Tonight with Vincent Browne which, included a junior minister, Conor Lenihan, a member of the Socialist Party, Clare Daly, and a professor of politics, Gary Murphy, from DCU, were not versed with the facts of the associations which McGuirk has kept and which the Libertas party utilised for their pan European crusade. No one should face McGuirk on TV without revisiting his sordid political associations with xenophobes, homo-phobes and holocaust deniers. McGuirk also worked for a candidate who sought to further divide Ireland by seeking to impose a work permit scheme on workers who wished to work on either side of the border. This blog will be keeping a close eye on McGuirk and his former Libertas colleagues and rest assured that all research material will be made available to any journalist or politician who wishes to shine a light on the murky world of the new far right in Ireland and Europe.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Blasts from the past Machine Nation archives
I found this exchange from when people Korps was Frightened , nice to be appreciated ...from Machine Nation cached archives
Re: Libertas a pan European Project : Read OP Intro Carefully - ModTue Mar 10, 2009 3:07 pm
Frightened Albanian wrote: Nice overview of Ganley's foriegn policy that should be read by a history phd student at UCD. See Libertas Nein Danke
Frightened Albanian, I would like to thank you for uncovering all the information you have about Libertas. What you have shown over the recent weeks is scary and you have proved that Libertas are a disgrace to all right minded democratic Europeans. Thank you for standing up for democracy unlike most of the Irish media.
In my experience most Irish people now finally realise that Ganley and Co. are idiots but don't realise just how intentionally hypocritical and subversive they really are. I think you need to ramp up your campaign. I suggest that you provide a summary list on your website of all the problems with Libertas, I have lost track of them at this stage. Cookie could then be given the opportunity to defend against these points on this forum.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Hermann Kelly Libertas and UKIP.... homophobic. xenophobic proto Nazi scum
Yesterday I mentioned Herman Kelly's new career as pr for the far right EFD group in the EU parliament. Ironically Libertas who he worked for denied they were far right despite the fact that they worked with many of the parties who now employ Hermann Kelly. Furthermore Libertas leader Declan Ganley made great play of "being Oirish" and his "Oirish" roots. Yet his Longford town Libertas party chairman, James Reynnolds, was linked by The Irish Times with getting UKIP Nigel Farage press accreditation for the count in Dublin for Lisbon 2, Libertas UK was run by a former British army colonel Robin Matthews and Libertas never launched in Nortehrn Ireland. Furthermore Libertas sought a complete legal seperation between the North and South of Ireland and included the need for work visas for Irish people who wished to work across the border on their own island. The latter was part of the anti immigrant platform devised by Hermann Kelly for candidate Raymond O Malley.
The fact that Libertas spin doctor Hermann Kelly is now working for an ultra right wing EFD a homophobic, anti Irish, anti Semitic and xenophobic grouping in the EU is further proof that the early predictions and assertions of this blogger regarding the unsavory ultra right side of Libertas was factual and justified. The below is from a blog by former UKIP activists digusted with the super Nazi pals they made in the EU parliamnet who now employ Herman Kelly.
Original post
The fact that Libertas spin doctor Hermann Kelly is now working for an ultra right wing EFD a homophobic, anti Irish, anti Semitic and xenophobic grouping in the EU is further proof that the early predictions and assertions of this blogger regarding the unsavory ultra right side of Libertas was factual and justified. The below is from a blog by former UKIP activists digusted with the super Nazi pals they made in the EU parliamnet who now employ Herman Kelly.
Original post
Last year I posted this report on UKIP and their sick gathering of people haters in the EU parliament
True Finns. (Editors Note partners of Libertas in 2009 PK)
Timo Soini, leader of the Finnish Perussuomalaiset (True Finns) Party, and rather oddly a keen supporter of Millwall F.C, should add a little spice to Farage's group.
He wants to restrict entry to Finland for foreigners, and calls for legislation to force those already there to integrate. Describing itself as "populist", the True Finns has its roots in agrarian politics, is anti-capitalist, believing that entrepreneurship hampers bureaucracy. The party attracts a great deal of support from those who would have previously voted for the SDP or the Left Alliance. Its mix of "back to the soil" agrarianism, populism, and militaristic nationalism has led many observers to categorise the party as National Socialist. Indeed, in keeping with Nazi tradition, Soini was a corporal in the army.
In April 2009, all the leaders of Finland's political parties signed a declaration condemning racism. Only Soini refused to sign. The party also believes homosexuality to be an "aberration". Finnish celebrity Teuvo Loman complained to police about a Facebook site, called "Lets beat Teuvo Straight", set up by a True Finns candidate for Urjala municipal council elections. The site allegedly promoted violence against Loman.
In December 2006, True Finn councillor Jussi Halla-aho caused a controversy when he published the following comments as part of a discussion about immigrants and rape: “The number of rapes will increase in any case. Therefore, as more and more women will undoubtedly get raped, I sincerely hope that at least the right women, the green-leftist reformers and their voters, will find themselves in the clutches of the rapists, who randomly select their victims. Rather them than anyone else. With people like that nothing else works, except when their own multiculturalist views turn against them.” Halla-aho, who describes asylum seekers as "parasites", has been charged with hate crimes.
Another interesting True Finn politician, is the former wrestler and parliamentarian Tony "the Viking" Halme. In 2004, he received a four-month suspended prison sentence and was ordered to pay fines totalling 80 income-linked "day-fines" - amounting to EUR 4,480 - for criminal offences that were uncovered in connection with a drunken firearms violation episode in the summer of 2003.
Other charges brought against Halme included behaviour likely to cause danger, smuggling, possession of imported goods knowing them to be illegal, and drug use. The latter is ironic, as he has called for drug offenders to be sent to Russian prisons, where they can be dealt with in a more cost effective manner. The day after he was elected to parliament he caused a stir by attacking President Tarja Halonen as a "Lesbian". (Halonen had been a champion for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-Gender rights in her country). In 2006 Halme was convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. In that same year he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.
The True Finns will sit well with the populist Lega Nord, the Italian party expelled from the Independence & Democracy Group by Farage following allegations of racist behaviour. That party is partly defined by its homophobia.
Lega Nord.
Giancarlo Gentilini, Lega Nord's deputy mayor of Treviso called in 2007 for the "ethnic cleansing" of homosexuals." I will immediately give orders to my forces so that they can carry out an ethnic cleansing of faggots," he told a local television station. "The faggots must go to other cities where they are welcome. Here in Treviso there is no chance for faggots or the like."
In the same year he taunted Pecoraro Scanio, Italy's Minister of the Environment and an open bisexual, by saying: "In Gorgo, a woman was raped with a chisel in the back and in the front. I say to Pecoraro Scanio that I want the same thing happens to his mother and his sister."
Pro-Federalist Lega Nord – the party's constitution says that the party will end its political activity when federalism is obtained - are no strangers to racially motivated violence: indeed, MEP Mario Borghezio was fined in 1993 for beating a 12 year old Moroccan child. In 2005, whilst sitting as an MEP, he was found guilty of setting fire to the belongings of immigrants under a railway bridge in Turin, during a vigilante raid. In September 2007 he was arrested by Belgian police for his part in an anti-Islamic demonstration.
The former leader of Lega Nord, Umberto Bossi, an MEP in the last parliament, was convicted of incitement to violence in 1998. He received a one-year suspended prison sentence. He had previously received a conviction for taking a 200 million bribe. In 2003 he described Africans as "Bingo-Bongos", and suggested that the Italian navy should open fire on boats carrying refugees.
Notorious holocaust denier Father Floriano Abrahamowicz is considered to be the "unofficial Chaplain" of Lega Nord. He told an Italian newspaper: "I know the gas chambers existed... but I don't know if anyone was killed in them. I know that, in addition to the official version, there is another version..." He has also been a vocal supporter of Erich Priebke, the German SS officer convicted of war crimes for a 1944 massacre in Rome, extradited to Italy from Argentina and currently living under house arrest.
The Lega has its own militant faction, the so-called Green shirts.
Morten Messerschmidt: Heil Hitler, & some embarrassing songs.
The Danish People's Party (DPP), rejected by the British Conservatives, has been condemned by the Paris based European Jewish Congress for its approach to the question of immigration. It has also been accused of Islamophobia.
Morten Messerchmidt is one of the DPP's new MEPs. In 2002 he was sentenced to prison for racially motivated offences. In April 2007 he was reported to have been drunk in a restaurant in Copenhagen, and was seen "Heiling Hitler". Messerchmidt subsequently admitted singing Nazi songs at the restaurant. The incident caused him to temporarily resign from his position in the government.
Messerchmidt is a former assistant to Mogens Camre MEP, himself reported to the police for possible violations of anti-racism legislation in 2007.
And Farage has the nerve to condemn the BNP!
And what about the odious Nuttall? He can't bear to be in the same room as Nick Griffin and yet is quite happy to sit with these fascists! Hypocrite!
Where Libertas failed others attempt Nazi-lite
Hermann Kelly has found his kindred spirits in the EU parliament. People Korps is keen to know more about Mr Kelly and his activities. email peoplekorps@gmail.comMonday, August 9, 2010
Hermann Kelly
Hermann Kellly has landed a job as as a press spokesman for the ultra far-right EFD group in the European Parliament. It seems he has found his home at last. Kelly helped Libertas MEP hopeful Raymond O Malley in his campaign which brought forward a strongly anti immigrant platform.
Libertas even proposed that Irish citizens north and south should need work visas in order to work in either of the respective jurisdictions on the island.
The EFD is a grouping of xenophobes, racists and Nazis see
In June he was apologised to by EU Reporter after someone circulated stacks of fliers in the parliament claiming Nigel Farage MEP, Mr Godfrey Bloom MEP (UKIP) were to be speakers at a Bilderberg group conspiracy theory book lauch.
Kelly has found his natural level but on a European stage among a group of far right cranks and people hating zealots of the far right.
Kelly needs to be watched by the EU Reporter more closely. Original article here
I would also suggest cctv footage be examined to see who did put out the fliers.
Say NO to the Christotaliban and its alliance with the UK and European hard right.
Libertas even proposed that Irish citizens north and south should need work visas in order to work in either of the respective jurisdictions on the island.
The EFD is a grouping of xenophobes, racists and Nazis see
In June he was apologised to by EU Reporter after someone circulated stacks of fliers in the parliament claiming Nigel Farage MEP, Mr Godfrey Bloom MEP (UKIP) were to be speakers at a Bilderberg group conspiracy theory book lauch.
Kelly has found his natural level but on a European stage among a group of far right cranks and people hating zealots of the far right.
Apparently the posters and fliers distributed in the European Parliament’s press centre on Tuesday (June 1) that clearly listed Mr Farage and Mr Godfrey Bloom as speakers at a press conference for the launch of Daniel Estulin’s book ‘Bilderberg Group -Towards Creation of One World Company Ltd’ were forgeries.An Apology from EU Reporter put them in great numbers in the racks reserved for announcements by political groups had, as shown in the copy we reproduced and which can be seen alongside the story, forged the logo of UKIP and placed it prominently at the left hand top corner opposite that of Lega Nord as sponsors. We have the word of Mr Hermann Kelly for the fact that this was completely false.
Kelly needs to be watched by the EU Reporter more closely. Original article here
I would also suggest cctv footage be examined to see who did put out the fliers.
Say NO to the Christotaliban and its alliance with the UK and European hard right.
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