Friday, March 30, 2012
George Galloway speaks Declan Ganley does not
British police racist abuse and boasting recorded by their victim: coppers owned !
Exposing institutional racism should be something people get knighted for :). However the Tory government's police force and its Crown Prosecution Service have decided that such racist comments and an admission of strangling a handcuffed man are not worthy of prosecution. The UK should now be placed on the UN blacklist for reviled states.
Scotland Yard is facing a racism scandal after a black man used his mobile phone to record police officers subjecting him to a tirade of abuse in which he was told: "The problem with you is you will always be a nigger".The recording, obtained by the Guardian, was made by the 21-year-old after he was stopped in his car, arrested and placed in a police van the day after last summer's riots.The man, from Beckton, east London, said he was made to feel "like an animal" by police. He has also accused one officer of kneeling on his chest and strangling him.In the recording, a police officer can be heard admitting he strangled the man because he was "a cunt". Moments later, another officer – identified by investigators as PC Alex MacFarlane – subjects the man to a succession of racist insults and adds: "You'll always have black skin. Don't hide behind your colour."The Independent Police Complaints Commission referred the case to the Crown Prosecution Service on the basis that three officers, including MacFarlane, may have committed criminal offences.
By George!! Well done to George Galloway
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Declan Ganley and his pals: employee Liam Lawlor and "Frank" Frank Dunlop
Declan Ganley's evidence to the Mahon Tribunal
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Declan Ganley if the Pope can meet Castro then Galway can have Che

March 24, 1995, Friday, Late Edition - Final
Ex-Spectrum President Among 10 Indicted
SECTION: Section D; Page 5; Column 1; Business/Financial Desk
LENGTH: 729 words
Another bizarre chapter ended yesterday in the saga of Spectrum Information Technologies Inc., as a Federal grand jury in Brooklyn indicted the former president of the troubled company and nine of his business associates.
The wife, son-in-law, and nephew of Peter T. Caserta, 55, former chief executive of Spectrum, were among those named in the indictment, as was James Paterek, who runs Spectrum Global Services Inc., a subsidiary of Spectrum, which is based in Manhasset, L.I.
The Government said Mr. Caserta and his colleagues at the Caserta Group had engaged in a huge fraud, in which 300 companies in 23 states were bilked of more than $6 million from 1988 to 1994. The employees of Caserta charged naive entrepreneurs as much as $40,000 each, said Sean O'Shea, assistant United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York, promising small companies that Saudi princes and investors from Hong Kong to Switzerland would provide the financial backing the companies needed to grow.
Victims who expressed reservations about the Caserta Group would be given references that included Mr. Paterek, who is Mr. Caserta's nephew. Typically, after getting entrepreneurs excited about their chances of qualifying for fantastic amounts of financing, the Caserta employees would ultimately deliver the bad news that their "due diligence" had shown that the companies did not qualify after all, Mr. O'Shea said in an interview.
Spectrum, which filed for bankruptcy on Jan. 26, became an instant corporate superstar in October 1993, when it stunned Wall Street and corporate America by announcing that John Sculley, the former chairman of Apple Computer Inc., would become its chief executive.
Indeed, Spectrum achieved a sufficiently high profile that employees of the Caserta Group would sometimes take their victims on tours of the Spectrum headquarters, making the false claim that the Caserta Group had arranged for Spectrum's financing, Mr. O'Shea said. The Caserta Group was run from an office two floors below those of Spectrum.
Spectrum had previously been a faceless technology company best known to small investors who heard its praises sung on business programs on local cable television stations. Mr. Sculley, who at the time he was hired knew little of Spectrum's problems with its businesses and securities regulators, resigned from Spectrum less than four months later, suing Mr. Caserta for fraud in the process. Mr. Caserta filed a countersuit, but both men eventually dropped their suits.
Spectrum has gone through three chief executives and 15 board members since January 1994 -- an executive suite revolving door that ultimately left Mr. Sculley with a scarred reputation and Mr. Caserta with a new career as the proprietor of Pasta Luna, an Italian restaurant in Richmond. The current chief executive of the company, Donald J. Amoruso, was hired on Dec. 30, after a nine-month search to replace a predecessor who resigned after nine days.
The defendants named yesterday are charged with a total of 102 counts of mail and wire fraud.
Federal agents arrested five employees of the Caserta Group, also known as the Paradigm Group, on similar charges on March 22, 1994. Though Mr. Caserta was not among those arrested last year, he was named in the indictment yesterday.
Andrew Maloney, a lawyer who represents Mr. Caserta, said he would not allow his client to speak to reporters. While he had not yet seen a copy of the indictment, he said in an interview yesterday that if the charges were similar to those outlined at the time of the arrests, "I'm saying loud and clear we believe him to be innocent."
Investors have rushed to file class-action suits against Spectrum, whose market value has plummeted from nearly $1 billion after Mr. Sculley was hired to $43 million, based on a closing price of 56.25 cents a share yesterday, unchanged for the day in Nasdaq trading. Among the contentions of the lawsuits: that Mr. Caserta made millions of dollars in profits by selling his personal shares on the news that Mr. Sculley would be at the helm.
Michael Freitag, a spokesman for Spectrum at Kekst & Company, said his client had not seen the indictment, so he could not comment on the charges. Spectrum "will review the indictment and decide what to do at a later date" with regard to the future of Mr. Paterek, Mr. Freitag said.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
No communion for Bertie Ahern? Perjury is a reserved sin
Friday, March 23, 2012
Sarkozy failure rouge suspect at large in Toulouse despite
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Saved by Al Qaeda? Is Sarkozy's fall guy really the guy?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sarkozy grabs Libyan intel chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, in bid to keep donations secret?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Is Sarkozy to blame for racist deaths of children soldiers and a rabbi in France?
Over the past few years of recession and regression, it has become a trite truism of European politics that you can't go wrong going to the right. Politicians across the continent have found a new magic formula for electoral success and survival by playing on fears of foreigners and particularly of Islam – the wink and a nod that says that immigration has been the root of our social and economic decline. This is by no means an exclusively rightwing vice. Anyone who has heard the Dutch Labour party recently will have difficulty putting light between them and the demagogue Geert Wilders.
Until today, they might have tried to argue that there was no harm in it, that it's healthy even, a rebalancing of the scales after two decades of biting our tongues and creeping political correctness.
The French airwaves have been full of such ugly equivocation these past few weeks as Nicolas Sarkozy has lurched his party wildly to the right in an attempt to save his skin, claiming there were "too many immigrants in France"and stoking Islamophobia with a ridiculous claim that the French were being secretly forced to eat halal; his prime minister François Fillon even said Jews and Muslims should put their dietary laws behind them and embrace modernity.
Are we in France now reaping the seeds sown by Sarkozy and his desperate henchmen in their bid to cling to power?
Gibbons continues
Claude Guéant, the interior minister who took personal control of the investigation, has been the most consistently xenophobic, championing the superiority of European Christian civilisation over lesser cultures who force their women to cover up – yes, observant Jews and Muslims, he meant you. The nadir came last week when Sarkozy's new immigration chief Arno Klarsfeld – the eldest son, ironically, of Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld – called for a wall to be built between Greece and Turkey to save Europe from barbarian invaders.
Is it not a disgrace that a man who two weeks ago was attacking Jewish and Muslim religious practices regarding food is now the man France's Jewish and Muslim population must entrust the investigation of these hate crimes too? It is North Africa that many of Toulouse's Jewish inhabitant's families emigrated from. It was North Africa that gave France three of its serving paratroopers, gunned down in cold blood.
Fiachra Gibbons is the first journalist to articulate my feelings on this matter. As an Irishman with a French born child of mixed Irish and French parentage I find each attack on foreigners or outsiders by the President and his wolf pack an insult to me and my French citizen off-spring. It leaves me both angry and determined to resist such hate talk to the fullest of my abilities. My boy goes to creche with children of all races and religions, he does not fear his creche mates and I know he will never hate based on race. That is the good in France. The bad is its current leaders and the hate they preach.
If good is to come from these tragedies then it must be the unification of France's minorities Arab, Berber, Jews, Muslims and atheists, Irish, Belgian, Australian or whatever to join in their rejection at the ballot boxes in April and May of Le Pen and her National Front and most importantly of the now impossible President Sarkozy who preaches hate and fear.
Neo Nazi terror attacks in France?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The idiot by and about Nicky Larkin
The pills in their bloodstream meant they felt no pain. Only a headshot would take them down."
The supposed artist drunk on his own stupidity failed to find out if such an incident or incidents ever took place, whether toxicology reports on dead Palestinians proved this bit of pub talk or whether it was complete bullshit like would talk with his pimplenecked pals in Birr co offaly
Nicky Larkin would you ever fuck off and stop being an infantile tard .
Nicky is a film maker who claims he thought Israel was bad and now thinks Palestinians are bad.
Nicky must have taken a bad e in Tel Aviv.
Typograpghy to prove People korps is an artist
Nicky you idiot research your stuff before you report it as fact...laughable fool if his bullshit was not getting children killed.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Racaille assault police woman guarding Sarkozy's Elysée Palace
Paris Streets renamed Impasse Sarkozy Ancien President 2007-2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Irish police, FBI and global freedom Extradition attempts will led to boycotts and pickets of US firms in Ireand
In 2008 the US government decided not to bail out Lehman Brothers and plunged the world into a banking crisis that has had unprecedented global fallout. The USA instead of absorbing its own mess transferred its financial disaster to the rest of the planet. While in Ireland the government absorbed responsibility for bank debt and transferred unsustainable debts onto the backs of the Irish people, in the USA the government pulled back and allowed a global financial disaster to emerge. This abrogation of responsibility led to the collapse of the global and indeed the Irish economy.
In this climate the USA seeks to also be the world's policeman, arresting kids for file sharing globally and other nefarious alleged crimes that are not the business of the USA. In the UK, because of an over friendly post 9/11 extradition treaty people who would problem of UK courts or not are sent to the USA to be imprisoned in facilities of detention that fail first world , or even second world standards and subjecting them to sentencing policies that more severe than North Korea, China, or other despotic regimes.
The USA must decide whether it wants friends in Europe or enemies in Europe.
The UK gave the basis of common law in 1215 with the Magna Carta, howver today the USA seeks the extradiction of UK citizens based on the entrapment operations of its FBI.
In Ireland two young boys have the sword of Damocles above their heads as an FBI operation involving a super grass has led to changes against two young men in a New York federal court.
The USA must examine its needs and its fate. If it continues to attempt to police the globe then all sympathy for its "holocaust" of 9/11 will shortly have expired.
A message to the USA government : If you cant support your failed institutions then don't expect support for your failed political wars from the countries and the people your abrogation of responsibility has impoverished.
If the USA seeks the extradition of Irish children on political charges expect a backlash that will affect many of your most respected companies that operate on Irish soil.
If there is any attempt at the extradition of IriPublish Postsh boys to the USA then I suggest a total boycott and permanent pickets on US firms in Ireland such as Google, Facebook, Paypal Intel, Microsoft and the USA government itself at their emnbasy ion Ballsbridge.
We can only take it in the ass so often. The USA must offer a reach-around or their position in Europe and the globe will be forever sidelined and silenced by the people their governments actions have impoverished .
Saturday, March 10, 2012
European Spring? The Irish people are close to breaking point
YET there comes a time when they say enough is enough. With a very small police force and army Ireland is a ticking time-bomb awaiting a coherent voice of opposition that is not being provided by the far right Opus Dei Brit loving Declan Ganley nor Her Majesty's ministers of Sinn Fein nor Occupy nor any other group existing now.
However if the voice comes even fragmented: then Ireland will lead the European Spring and the people of Ireland, who still have the power to do so will resist and sweep away their idle public representatives, acquiescent unions, and others who have supped too long at the cosy table of power to oblivion.
The Irish people are at breaking point and soon the Irish people will find an articulation in a message and they will resist and they will prevail.
The future is too grim for too many to bare when the correct call comes you will smell that gasoline smell: that smells like victory.
Friday, March 9, 2012
irish man accused of breaking official secrets act
1% ers raise their profiles through animal welfare films
The people behind the Blue Marine Foundation include a far right Israeli supporting friend of Henry Kissinger and GOP international fundraiser for John McCain. Anyone with info on the 1%er foundation Blue Marine Foundation should contact
Sometimes a good cause is backed by the wrong people more soon on the 1%er bleeding hearts who would rape the planet through mining and pretend to save it by saving a fish!!
Gung Ho Brit PM Cameron gets hostage killed
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Irish Times agrees extradition impossible for Irish boy hacktivists
Judge ruled offences carried out here, even if affecting other jurisdictions, should be prosecuted here
MR JUSTICE John Edwards ruled earlier this year that Seán Garland should not be extradited to the United States to face conspiracy charges in connection with the alleged forgery of US dollars.
While four main arguments were put forward by his legal team, the High Court judge just ruled on the first: that the offence involved was an offence in Ireland, and should be prosecuted here.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Anonymous / LulzSec and Ireland important global issues regarding freedom may be settled if we fight any extradition of Irish students
LulzSec affair such as the fact that Irish police compromised themselves by sharing official emails with one of their "gmail" accounts, that extradition to the USA is prohibited under Irish law for political offences and the fact that the US federal authorities are likely to have been involved in the issue given that some level of entrapment appears to be releated to at least one of the Irish alleged "hackers".
People Korps is asking for Irish legal professionals and media activists to offer their services to the two boys as there are a wide range of legal issues of global importance relating to personal freedom, political freedom and national sovereignty that arise from this case.
In the meantime I call on all the staff and students and alumni of Trinity Colege, Dublin to do all in their power to aid young Donncha O'Cearrbhail and likewise all students, graduates and staff of UCC, UCD, UCG and NUI Maynooth to rally to stop any potential attempt to extradite the equally young Darren Martyn.
If the boys need to speak to the media I would advice them to contact Colm Keena at The Irish Times using the Irish Times main switchboard rather than email as he has indicated an interest in the case.
Extradition to the USA for Irish computer hacktivist?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Ganley will vote Yes or No on treaty

Declan Ganley will either vote Yes or No on the fiscal treaty referendum in Ireland and will campaign for the either the Yes or the No side. The far right Christian Fundamentalist political opportunist and war profiteer does not know YET which side he will be on.
The chancer is waiting to see if the EU will make a deal.
However Libertas Nein Danke says Ireland should vote
NO, deal or No deal, bribe or no bribe. Why?
the truth about Ganley is much more simpler and boring than originally thought. He's simply a populist mediocrity who craves attention and wants to be important.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Merkel, Cameron and other hard right leaders hand Hollande victory
Declan Ganley and Ernesto "Che" Guevara and General Liam Mellows

The far right US military provider, Declan Ganley, is objecting to a statue of a decendant of Galway, Ireland aka Ernesto "Che" Guevara being erected in the home of his ancestors, Galway, Ireland. Ganley claims Che was a mass murderer. He provides no evidence of this claim. There is no evidence that Che was either a murderer or a mass murderer.
In the same square that Che's stature will be erected is a statue of Liam Mellows the Irish republican guerrilla fighter

Liam Mellow was an Irish hero and his struggle inspired Che and others including Ghandi and Nelson Mandela.
Declan Ganley set up a military supply company called Rivada. In the last years he has managed to recruit people like General Richard Myers who became George W Bush's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and led the War on Terror leading the USA'a attacks on Afganistan and Iraq until 2005 to his board of directors. The wars Meyers ran have lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, the illegal rendition and torture of thousands, and indeed the murders of an unknown number of people.
Declan Ganley also tried to profit from the war in Iraq see Tigris staffing
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Given that Ganley took people involved in mass murder and rendition onto his company's board and indeed sought to profit form a war that has led to hundreds of thousands of illegal deaths, why is he labeling Che a mass murderer?
He has many who could be considered the ring masters of mass murderer in his circle.
Declan Ganley, Che Guevara and Liam Mellows were freedom fighters. Liam Mellows was an actual Irish man not a English born Watford shoneen.
It must also be remembered that Ganley recruited anti Semites and neo Nazis to contest the 2009 European election for his Libertas party. He should be run out of public life. Declan Ganley is more closely associated with mass murder than Che.
Viva Che Viva Liam