If Libertas are not a far right party what are France's far right Front Nationale worried about?
Will ganley tell us that they are only far right in France. This little tussle will play get nasty as the campaigns get under way.
Last weekend the French far right party Front Nationale launched its drive for the European elections in June. Jean-Marie Le Pen the party's 82 year leader criticised other far right leaders including Phillipe de Villiers of the Mouvement Pour la France, who made an election pact with Declan Ganley and Libertas.
As predicted on this blog, the Front Nationale see Libertas as one of the threats to their far right voting base and is bringing Ganley's American connections to the fore. Indeed Le Pen labelling Declan Ganley as "a locomotive millionaire suspected to be an American official".
If Libertas is not a far right party why are the far right so interested in their voting potential?
For full report Euractiv.comThe FN is not alone in the family of French nationalist eurosceptics. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan heads the movement Debout la République
, while Philippe de Villiers and Frédéric Nihous are now allies under the banner of Libertas, the party which successfully led the campaign against the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland (EurActiv 11/03/09). Moreover, the Parti de la France
, founded by Carl Lang, a former member of the FN, will present candidates in at least two districts.
In fact, some arguments put forward on Sunday by Le Pen are very similar to those presented by the Movement pour la France
, a party headed by Philippe de Villiers. Both vehemently oppose Turkey's accession to the EU and have expressed fears that Europe is planning to slap a "dangerous product" label on Camembert cheese.
However, divisions among French nationalist parties are never far around the corner. The president of the FN openly criticised de Villiers for his alliance with Libertas, labelling its leader Declan Ganley as "a locomotive millionaire suspected to be an American official".
Le Pen also stated that Ganley supported the entry of Turkey into Europe, where does that leave de Villiers famously opposes Turkey's entry? the far right leader also said denounced stated Ganley supporting the full military supremacy of NATO. Here
Ganley and French hard right at Libertas launch press conference
Ganley - Goebbels without the hair.