Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sinn Fein split on Lisbon Treaty? The party is less than wholehearted in their campaigning

Align CenterThe above is a hand written poster drawn on the back of the poster is an old Mary Lou McDonald election placard.

The Tribune piece on a Sinn Fein split on the Lisbon issue may or may not be true. It is unlikely that a party that has closed ranks over the Mc Cartney murder and the Northern bank will be worried about being publicly associated with UKIP, Cóir and miscellaneous nutjobs. There are however a number of straws in the wind.

If there is a British referendum under a future Tory administration, Scotland, Wales ,and Northern Ireland will probably have parallel referenda in the devolved regions. The no voters are predictable- Jim Allister’s TUV and the Official unionists. Sinn Fein hardly want to stand with them on that issue.

Sinn Fein are already less than wholehearted in their campaigning , and are resorting to ( misspelt ) hand painted posters on the back of old Mary Lou Mc Donald posters, as can be seen in the attached photo taken on Sundrive road, Crumlin yesterday evening.

And speaking of posters, the Socialist party posters push the Joe Higgins brand. Sinn Fein posters, in contrast look like they were designed by a transition year student and have no candidate identity.

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