Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Naoise Nunn on why we should Vote Yes on Slugger O'Toole
Two Former Libertas campaign managers say Vote Yes to Lisbon as David Cochrane brands Declan Ganley a hypocrite
You should look at David Cochrane's tweets , yesterday he branded his former boss a hypocrite and Yes he is still voting Yes to Lisbon.
Cochrane who owns and is editor of was top gun in Libertas until this summer. Having worked with Declan Ganley for nearly two years , I think his open condemnation of the christian fanatic Ganley should be taken on board.
Most have just seen his bluster on TV. Cochrane knows the man .
# 6:06 PM Sep 29th from web
# I campaigned (ran a campaign!) for a No to keep our Commissioner, and that's why I'm voting Yes on Friday.4:04 PM Sep 29th from web
# Ganley yesterday accused people on Yes side of refusing to talk about the treaty. Today he's attacking O'Leary - what a hypocrite.4:03 PM Sep 29th from web
He is still voting Yes and says Ganley
Naoise Nunn in Wall Street Journal urges a Yes vote
DUBLIN -- Naoise Nunn voted No in Ireland's first Lisbon Treaty referendum in June 2008 and, as executive director of the anti-Lisbon political campaign Libertas, was also instrumental in defeating the ratification effort.
But when the nation votes for a second time this Friday, Mr. Nunn is likely to be one of many voters whose views toward the treaty -- which is viewed as underpinning the future shape of the European Union -- have changed. He now plans to vote in favor of the treaty.
One major factor for him and many other voters is the sharp deterioration seen in Ireland's economy in the months since the first vote. The recession has hit Ireland hard and unemployment is soaring, bringing back bleak memories of the 1980s, before the Celtic Tiger boom years transformed the country.
AFP/Getty Images
Irish airline Ryanair boss Micheal O'Leary holds up a sign supporting for the Lisbon Treaty on Tuesday.
"The public psychology last summer was vastly different to where it is now," said Mr. Nunn, who left Libertas in September of last year. "Last time around, there was an adolescent sense of invincibility and immortality. But we've had to grow up so fast."
Mr. Nunn said a series of added EU protocols -- clarifying Irish neutrality and maintaining its anti-abortion laws, while safeguarding independence on taxation and the right to keep its own European commissioner -- amount to a better deal for Ireland. see full article
Declan Ganley fails to read his own Memoranda of Association for Libertas. Can we trust that he read the Lisbon Treaty
Yesterday The Charter Group highlighted the clause in the articles that allows Libertas to raise funds for strikebreaking and to aid firms which are under picket.
However Ganley says he never read his own Memoranda of Association which include this far right capitalist clause.
The right to strike is a long fought for one. It is not something that a free society takes away.
The Irish Times reported
However, Libertas chairman Declan Ganley said he was unaware what was in its articles of association. “We should check but I don’t know what it says. We just use boiler plate [standard wording] memorandum and articles of association. But I’m not anti-anything.”
This is not the truth. The Irish Times highlighted this very article in November 2008.
The memorandum documents for both of the new companies state that they are entitled to raise funds, carry on business, purchase property, accumulate capital, borrow and other activities, in pursuit of their principal objectives.
The companies are allowed pay interest at a rate not exceeding 5 per cent on loans received from directors or other members of the companies.
They are also empowered to "promote freedom of contact" and contribute funds to any body that resists interference in businesses by "any strike movement or organisation".
Had Mr. Ganley had any objection to this clause then he should have changed it in the ten months since November 2008. He has not done so. He does read the Irish Times and the clause has been highlighted often on this blog
Ganley says he is not anti anything in the Irish Times today. Does that mean he now supports the Lisbon Treaty? Is he now pro abortion?, pro gay marriage? I will leave it up to you to decide.
This blogger is quite convinced that if Ganley were subjected to a quiz on the Treaty contents he would get a very low score.
For a poltical party leader to not read his own articles of assocation shows either incompatence or more typically for Ganley he merely erred into untruthfulnesss in the face of a question from the press.
Sinn Fein split on Lisbon Treaty? The party is less than wholehearted in their campaigning

The Tribune piece on a Sinn Fein split on the Lisbon issue may or may not be true. It is unlikely that a party that has closed ranks over the Mc Cartney murder and the Northern bank will be worried about being publicly associated with UKIP, Cóir and miscellaneous nutjobs. There are however a number of straws in the wind.
If there is a British referendum under a future Tory administration, Scotland, Wales ,and Northern Ireland will probably have parallel referenda in the devolved regions. The no voters are predictable- Jim Allister’s TUV and the Official unionists. Sinn Fein hardly want to stand with them on that issue.
Sinn Fein are already less than wholehearted in their campaigning , and are resorting to ( misspelt ) hand painted posters on the back of old Mary Lou Mc Donald posters, as can be seen in the attached photo taken on Sundrive road, Crumlin yesterday evening.
And speaking of posters, the Socialist party posters push the Joe Higgins brand. Sinn Fein posters, in contrast look like they were designed by a transition year student and have no candidate identity.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Libertas and Legatus: Garrett Kelleher was at Libertas planning meeting
The source is adament that Kellelher was there.
Though he feels that Ganley is finished already, he did not deviate from his original version of events.
Democracy does not stand in front of Libertas and their unelected elites
Libertas "Anti Worker" says Charter group Des Geraghty
Libertas criticised as 'anti-worker'
MARTIN WALL, Industry Correspondent
The pro-Lisbon Charter Group has strongly criticised Libertas for being anti-worker.
The chairman of the Charter Group, Des Geraghty, said the Libertas articles of association suggested it would contribute funds to anybody resisting interference in its business by strike movements or organisations.
Mr Geraghty said that Libertas, which is campaigning for a No vote, was anything but pro-worker.
Meanwhile, the Charter Group, which comprises trade union activists campaigning for a Yes vote in the referendum, said that it was essential for jobs and workers rights
Mr Geraghty said that Ireland’s future depended on export-led growth and that this required a strong economy in Europe.
“Only Yes can help to achieve this, and a No will only weaken Europe economically”.
The secretary of the Charter Group, Blaire Horan, said it was “absolute lies” to suggest the minimum wage would be affected as a result of passing the Lisbon Treaty.
He also said controversial European Court of Justice rulings such as the Laval case - which had been highlighted by the No side – would have no impact here.
He said Ireland had extensive minimum wage protection, not just a basic minimum wage of €8.65 per hour, but also higher legally enforceable rates in a range of sectors such as construction, hotels, retail and catering.
“These minimum wage rates apply to all workers in Ireland irrespective of their nationality. Workers are fully protected on pay and the Laval judgement has no impact here. The claims of a race to the bottom are just not factual”, Mr Horan said.
Legatus and Libertas, Ganley and Kelleher update McGuirk in panic as Libertas Nein Danke stands over story
Mr Ganley also denied claims that he had connections with the US-based
conservative Catholic group called Legatus, “or anything [that] sounds like
Given that Mr Ganley had office space in the Brussels building owned by Legatus Ireland Chairman, Garrett Kelleher's Shelbourne Development and a senior Libertas source has alledged that Kelleher sat in on a planning meeting at those office on 3 December 2008 where Libertas planning for 2009 was discussed, this blogger is now calling Ganley on his deniel.
He ceratinly has had connections with Legatus chairman Garret Kelleher.
Of this meeting McGuirk's comment of early this morning was
One meeting, alleged by one presumably anonymous source, of which you have no minute. Versus an on the record clarification of all your questions.
In fact John McGuirk, the Libertas spokesperson, had not clarified all my questions and he has failed to comment on Kelleher's role in Libertas at all.
He did say Libertas paid full market rate for the offices but had NO comment on why Kelleher was at a Libertas planning meeting.
In the same Irish Times article it was revealed that hedge fund boss Odey was also funding a fundmentalist Chriatian party
Mr Odey has contributed £25,000 to a political organisation described as “the Christian Party Proclaiming Christs Lordship” this year and £57,000 to the Conservative Party since 2007.
What is more McGuirk stated to people korps that no press were interested in the story about Legatus implying that this blogger's story was of no interest to the mainstream media
Where are the press on your great exclusive?
In light of the fact that Irish Times most senior political journalist, DEAGLÁN DE BRÉADÚN, had discussed Legatus with Ganley and the digital edition of the Irish Times was on line this indicates that McGuirk was either not informed by his boss, Declan Ganley, that the mainstream media were interested in the story or that he could intimidate Libertas Nein Danke into retracting the story before the morning papers hit the shops.
he did attempt to both cajole and bully this blogger into retracting the story.
You can withdraw your story, now PK. It doesn't stand up at all. You have little credibility to begin with,
Libertas Nein Danke stands over its original story that Libertas are a fundementalist Christian party with links to Tom Monaghan's legatus both practically and ideologically. They are backed by unelected elites and seek to undermine democracy and Ireland to further a fundementalist far right private agenda.
Orinigal story here
Declan Ganley and Legatus: Extreme christian group and Libertas links exposed through Irish property developer Garrett Kelleher
Irish Times Story in full below
Ganley accuses Lenihan of untruths over funding
DEAGLÁN DE BRÉADÚN Political CorrespondentLIBERTAS: ANTI-LISBON campaigner Declan Ganley has clashed with Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan over the sources of his political funding.
Citing a newspaper report, Mr Lenihan said one of Mr Ganley’s main backers was “a London-based hedge fund which would hardly be described as being interested in the economic wellbeing and future of this country”.
He said that, in fact, “quite a number of these hedge funds have taken out specific bets” on the insolvency of Ireland.
“Clearly they see a No vote as assisting a bet which is now failing for them because of the growing international confidence in the country which has taken place in recent weeks as a result of the Nama announcement.”
He called on Mr Ganley “to confirm that this particular outfit who are funding him has no bets on Ireland”. The Minister was referring to a report in the Sunday Independent that a leading British investor, Crispin Odey, who “made hundreds of millions of euro” short-selling Anglo-Irish Bank, had donated almost €18,500 in money and services to Libertas.
Mr Lenihan challenged Mr Ganley to confirm that he was not receiving financial support from people who were “betting against Ireland”. When it was put to him that Fianna Fáil had been funded by property developers, Mr Lenihan said that, since 1997, political donations had been subject to regulation and his party was in compliance with those.
Speaking to journalists later, Mr Ganley said: “First of all, let me make it very clear, the thing that he was commenting on was in response to, I think, a donor that gave to the Libertas party in the UK for the European elections in the UK last June. It was a donor who donated for that purpose and that money was well spent on the British election campaign in time for the European elections. That’s it. It’s got nothing to do with this.”
He said Mr Lenihan was very good at “spouting out” untruths, such as implying that this donation had anything to do with the current referendum campaign.
He said the Minister wanted to distract attention “from the fact that he has been exposed by the international financial media as an economic incompetent”.
Mr Ganley also denied claims that he had connections with the US-based conservative Catholic group called Legatus, “or anything [that] sounds like that”.
Mr Ganley said lobbyists who stood to gain from Lisbon had been “firehosing money at the Yes campaign”. He also denied any suggestion that an Irish-based property group had provided Libertas with free offices in Brussels. “They didn’t provide us with anything that we had in Brussels, we rented and we paid top euro for it.”
Responding earlier on RTÉ Radio’s News at One, Mr Ganley said Mr Lenihan had “chickened out” of a debate with him and he described the claim by the Minister as “nonsense”.
Libertas said: “This is a stupid, laughable smear, especially coming from a party that took hundreds of thousands from the developers, bankers, and crooks who’ve led us into this mess. Hypocrisy is not a strong enough word.”
Odey fund defends donations
The chief executive of Odey Asset Management in London has defended donations by hedge fund manager Crispin Odey (inset) to Libertas. “This is a private donation that has been made by a private individual and has been declared,” David Stewart told The Irish Times .
Criticising Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, Mr Stewart said: “It is so wrong to use it like this. I don’t understand it, but that’s the trouble with politicians. There are lots of half-truths about.
“There appears to be some misunderstanding about this. This has been picked up as an Irish issue,” said Mr Stewart, adding that the donation was made last year to help Libertas’s European Parliament campaign in many EU states.
“He [Mr Odey] supports people who he thinks are doing a good job. He supports people who put their heads above the parapet.”
Mr Odey, who contributed £3,000 in cash to and made three non-cash donations totalling £13,964 received an annual bonus of almost €28 million last year from Odey Asset Management, which he founded.
That was largely because he took short positions on banks – ie bet that their share prices would fall.
At the start of this year, he predicted a stock market recovery, one of the first major investors to do so. Last week, he advised his clients that the stock market would continue on its upward trajectory thanks to government policy and quantitative easing.
Oxford-educated Mr Odey is married to Nichola Pease, the chief executive of JO Hambro Capital Management and part of the family that founded Barclays Bank.
The couple are listed at 272 in the Sunday Times list of the richest people in Britain and Ireland, with a combined worth of £204 million. Mr Odey has threatened to leave London over personal tax rates.
Mr Odey has contributed £25,000 to a political organisation described as “the Christian Party Proclaiming Christs Lordship” this year and £57,000 to the Conservative Party since 2007.
This article appears in the print edition of the Irish Times
Libertas allege that Declan Ganley was never a member of Legatus
24 hours after this blogger first requested information from Declan Ganley and his links through Garrett Kelleher of Shelbourne Developments to Legatus his press officer John McGuirk in a terse one line statement has said in an email to People Korps:
DG isn't a member, nor has he ever been, I'm told.
McGuirk did not elaborate on who told him this.
Legatus an exclusive ultra Catholic organisation of CEOs dreamed up by Reaganite ideologue Tom Monaghan promotes a shiria version of Catholicism that campaigns against any liberalism in the Catholic Church. Monaghan, an active anti Gay activist who believes Gays should be denied protections under discrimination legislation is a throwback to a bygone era and actively promotes the subjugation of women.
Libertas Brussels offices were provided by Legatus Ireland Chairman Garrett Kelleher's Shelbourne Development. Full story here
In a later email McGuirk alledged that Ganley has no connections to Legatus. This is in direct contradiction of information alleged to this blogger by a trustworthy source who attended a planning meeting with senior Libertas staff which was attended by Legatus Chairman Ireland, Kelleher, in the offices he provided. The office alledgedly rented from Kellaher’s company. The meeting was to discuss Libertas planning for 2009.
McGuirk would not answer direct questioning about Kelleher’s role in Libertas .
McGuirk did assert that “the office in Cortenbergh was rented at full market rates from Shelbourne - just in case that was your next question."
On the subject of the shared ideology that Libertas hold with Monaghan on fundamentalist neo con Christian free market non secular governance McGuirk stated that: "We do not share the views of Mr. Monaghan at all."
This is absolutely at odds with the statements Mr, Ganley has made on many occasions about the place of the church in life, his hard line views on abortion, free market and his personal connections with senior Reaganites like Don de Marino of Rivada.
McGuirk later expanded now that “You may of course report my personal views on Legatus as you wish”
This may refer to his official Libertas statement of yesterday that Legatus were “A great bunch of guys”.
He then went on to deny the story and claimed that People Korps was a journalist who was obliged to publish his denials.
People Korps is of course a blogger not a journalist. The fact that Libertas have belatedly condescended to respond to this blog’s story of yesterday indicates the damage that exposing Libertas' ideological master has, and is doing to the far right organisation that masquerades as a campaign for democracy but is in fact the mouthpiece for unelected elites and far right ideologues.
As a final "threat" McGuirk said he would have Cookiemonster, a pseudonym for Libertas' Alan Kennedy, publish our emails on
He later emailed again and appealed to this bloggers honour. “You can show yourself as honourable here. People will respect you more.”
Almost goading the press to dig further into this matter McGuirk said “Where are the press on your great exclusive?”
Libertas, Legatus, Kelleher, Ganley Tom Monaghan.
If I was a journalist I would certainly be researching now.
In my previous dealing with Libertas they have only responded this way to stories that were 100% correct and also damaging to Libertas and Ganley's brand.
Mr Ganley recently withdrew from leagl action against The Village magazine which had asserted that he was a liar. poster Cookie Monster is Alan Kennedy of Libertas

Alan Kennedy web tech and hardcore Libertas fanatic is the annoying right wing poster known as CookieMonster. Alan has a habit of running interference on all Ganley related topics. Well Alan, its been real but time to get a new id on methinks. Alan is on facebook.
His little face has now disappered from LND's earlier post as he has Libertas' new poster up instead.
Monday, September 28, 2009
One ID used by Libertas press man John McGuirk on is Journo
Declan Ganley and Legatus: Extreme christian group and Libertas links exposed through Irish property developer Garrett Kelleher
Legatus...whose main aim is to attack one of the foundation stones upon which modern Irish democtacy is built - the separation of chuch and state.
Like many Islamic fundamentalist groups - Legatus see this separation as morally wrong as they strive to impose a Christian form of Sharia law.
This extreme religious view goes hand in hand with a form of brutish laissez-faire capitalism that even targets movements such as "Fair Trade" as a form of moral cancer.
Although they want to impose this form of allegedly Papist Taliban governance upon us, they rail against any government moves to promote a fairer society.
Legatus look to promote the more extreme members of the Republican party (GOP) in its efforts to change the face of American politics. One source said of its founder:
“This guy seems really, predictably, interested in changing the ideology of the Republican Party and ultimately the ideology of Congress,” said Clyde Wilcox, an expert in campaign finance and political science professor at Georgetown University in Washington
Declan Ganley, and his Libertas brand have for the past year at least received succour and support from this small group of super rich Ultra Catholic, anti abortion, anti contraception and ultra conservatives who are active in politics in at least four countries. The four countries in which they have active branches are Ireland, Canada, Poland and the USA. Libertas formed in Ireland and put forward it greatest number of candidates, many linked to the ultra Catholic, far right League of Polish Families, in Poland in Junes European elections. They failed to achieve any candidates there. All in all this backing of Libertas is the greatest emale of an unelected elite attemying to influence public debate and life that I can find.
Ganley has hit paydirt by connecting with this very right-wing conservative (economically and socially) Catholic /neo Catholic unelected elite.
In late 2008 , Libertas took 7th floor offices in a building , Cortenbergh 71 in Brussels, a building owned by Shelbourne Development Group. Shelbourne is owned by a generally publicity shy property developer Garrett Kelleher
Kelleher, was described by the Sunday Independent as “as a quiet person and a devout Catholic who likes to work and then go home to his family." (Sunday Independent, Sunday 28 Jan, 2007 Backed by Anglo Irish Bank, Kelleher, is the developer behind the stalled Chicago Spire which, Donald Trump described as "pipe dream" and "financial suicide", predicting there wouldn't be "any institution stupid enough to finance it". Sunday Independent January 28 2007
He has also been the Chairman of the Irish chapter of Legatus.
Kellegher is also on the Board of Regents of Ave Marie University which confirms his having held the position of Chairman of Legatus Ireland in 2006.
The mission of both the Ave Maria University, and Law School, is to churn out future corporate executives, lawyers, judges and political leaders who would increasingly graft his version of natural law principles unto American jurisprudence. They were both set up by Monaghan in a town that he built in the Florida swamps.
Legatus, is a Catholic organisation with around 5000 members worldwide. The membership is drawn from Catholic CEOs, business owners, senior management and their wives. In its magazine articles appear which attack President Obama and suggest that the Fair Trade movement is bad for poor people and that Free Trade is the answer to world poverty and exclusion
Legatus promotes an ultra conservative agenda, anti abortion activism and is seen by members of the US Democratic Party as being an organisation that seeks to subjugate women. In the past few years the Irish Chapter has had speakers such as Dana and William Binchy, John Waters and Fr. Owen Gorman at their monthly gatherings.
Gorman writes for Alive magazine like another Liberatas supporter Jacki Ascough of the Ascough clan who link Ganley with unelected elites from the aristocratic Bourbon clan. See Libertas backers monarchist unelected elites exposed
When Ganley addressed the John Paul II society in Sligo in February this year he said public figures “should never be afraid to speak of their faith, their beliefs and their values”., he also said “Christ calls us to be ambassadors for his message” and that “once society does not treat every life as precious and inviolable from conception to natural death, then man becomes a product subjected to pragmatism and utilitarianism such that abortion, euthanasia and the destruction of human life are presented as false rights and choice.””
In this Ganley was echoing the aims of his political and presumably financial backers Legatus. When Libertas spokesperson John McGuirk was contacted by People Korps today (Sunday 27 Sept.) and asked whether Mr. Ganley was himself a member of Legatas and whether legatus supported Libertas in their campaigns he would neither confirm nor deny, but did say that of Legatus that “They are a great bunch of guys”. (email John McGuirk to 27 Sept. 2009)The name derived from the Latin root, Legate which means Ambassador. The Legutas website states that: “Our mission is to study, live and spread the faith in our businesses, professional and personal lives. Legatus exists to help our members meet the challenge of balancing responsibilities of family, Church, business and community. We are called to be an Ambassador in Christ and Legatus seeks to support each member in this very special calling.”
With more than 4,200 members across the United States, Canada, Ireland and Poland, Legatus brings its members together in a monthly forum that fosters personal spiritual growth. We offer a unique support network of like-minded Catholics who have the ability to practice and infuse their faith in their daily lives and workplaces of their family, friends, colleagues and employees.
Legatus currently provides service to over 1,800 businesses in 60 chapters across the United States and internationally on three continents. Our members enjoy the benefits of networking, peer support, spiritual growth and full spousal membership. The organization designed exclusively for top-ranking Catholic business leaders. Since the inception of Legatus on May 7, 1987, its mission has been to bring Catholic business leaders and their spouses together in a monthly forum that fosters personal spiritual growth.
Founded by Tom Monaghan, the founder of Domino Pizzas, Legatus has its headquarter in Ave Marie , Florida, a town Monaghan built after selling Domino for more than $1 billion. The town and the ultra conservative Catholic university, on whose board Kellagher sits, are part of Moneghan’s vision to turn America and other states into Christian, and preferably Catholic run and controlled societies.
According to the New York Times “Mr. Monaghan founded Legatus a year after the American bishops of the church issued a letter critiquing Reagan-era capitalism and calling for fair wages, stronger unions, a guarantee of full employment and other economic policies that took the powerless into account.
The letter drew strong reaction from leading Catholic conservatives”
Critics began to say that religion was merely a stalking horse for his political agenda.
''His goal is to spread his conservative ideas, and he just waves a thin veil of religion in front of them,'' said Barbara A. Pott, coordinator of a Michigan branch of Call to Action, a liberal Catholic organization.” N.Y. TIMES Sunday, February 14, 1999
The senior Libertas source alleges that Kellegher sat in on a Libertas policy meeting in the Brussels office on 3 December 2008 which is owned by his company Shelbourne Devlopment Projects. Kellegher is alleged to have contributed little to the meeting but did listen in on the ten strong Libertas group which ,included Mr. Ganley, planning of their campaign for 2009.
Increasingly active in politics ever since his religious awakening, Monaghan's interests appear to be mainly moral; specifically, he wants a state run according to conservative Catholic principles. “I believe all of history is just one big battle between good and evil,” he once told Newsweek. “I don't want to be on the sidelines.” Among the political vehicles he has created are the Ave Maria Foundation, which supports an array of conservative causes; the Ave Maria School of Law in Michigan; the Ave Maria List, which supports anti-abortion candidates; and Legatus, a lay group for rich, conservative Catholic CEOs. (“In what ways can we as Apostles bring CHRIST into our businesses?” St. Louis chapter president, Leo McDonald, wrote in an essay entitled “Christ in the Boardroom.”) In 2006 Monaghan made national headlines in the USA when he said his town would not sell contraceptives pills or condoms. He has contributed to over 70 political campaigns in the USA through his PAC , Ave Maria and personally. He has contributed to campaigns by George W. Bush and a host of anti abortion activist seeking public office.
So in light of the fact that the Libertas brand sells a far right Christian view of society, the fact that they received their offices from Kellegher who oversaw their planning meeting on 3 December 2008, the fact that their cadre in Ireland are drawn from an ultra conservative unelected Catholic elite who hold “family values” above the rights of women, revile homosexuality, and actively campaign for political change based on their views. It is notable that Mohehan and Legatus have also been linked with the far right Heritage think tank that Ganley addressed in his first entry to the public arena as a spokesperson for moral change and in opposition to the European Union. In conclusion if is clear that Ganleys’ claims to be against unelected elites and pro democracy are a sham. He is in fact the figurehead of a front organisation which promotes ultra Catholic views and is determined to undermine secular government and society.
Further reading below Bush The Pizza-man Delivers: Monaghan's Dough for Radical Right Politicos (Thirteenth in a Series) Monaghan’s political contributions Ave marie 2004
Legatus membership critera
Executive Membership Criteria
| |||
Requirements | Manufacturing/Sales/Service | Financial Services | |
1) Title | Chairman, President, CEO, Owner, Managing Director, Managing Partner, Publisher | Same titles | |
2) Personnel | 30 employees
| 10 employees | |
3) Volume/Value | $5 Million
| $100 Million (assets) | |
Division Head Membership Criteria
| |||
Requirements | Manufacturing/Sales/Service | Financial Services | |
1) Title | Chairman, President, CEO, Owner, Managing Director, Managing Partner, Publisher, Executive Vice President | | |
2) Personnel | 30 employees
| 10 employees | |
3) Volume/Value | $5 Million
| $100 Million (assets) | |
Intermediate Membership Criteria
| |||
Requirements | Manufacturing/Sales/Service | Financial Services | |
1) Title | Chairman, President, CEO, Owner, Managing Director, Managing Partner, Publisher | Same titles | |
2) Personnel | 22 employees
| 8 employees | |
3) Volume/Value | $3.75 Million
| $75 Million (assets) |