I sent some of the emails that I received and sent to OMahonyMunster who posts on Politics.ie and have put his/her post below. The red dots indicate that the site owner has flaged Omahonymunster as a type of rebel or something. When this blogger posted on politics.ie before being banned , I also had a red dot after my name.
45 Minutes Ago OMahonyMunster vbmenu_register("postmenu_1629083", true); Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 736 Blog Entries: 2 Thanks: 3 Thanked 9 Times in 5 Posts Quote: Originally Posted by CookieMonster What lies are you talking about, Peoplekorps?
You never attempted to make arrangements for the interview with was agreed
to. You chickened out. You're a coward.
Castusflower, you can take it whatever way you like. Quote: people korps
to Libertas, John, webmaster
show details 8 Apr
Follow up message
Dear Anita, John and David, , After seeing Declan on Hardtalk
I have decided that it is in the public interest to publish a story
about Peter Caserta and his connections business and personal
with |Mr. Ganley. For many people who have been wondering
about the vague nature of Ganley's claims about his past and business success it is essential that this storiy is put in the public domain.
Does Declan have any comment on Mr. Castera? on Mr. Paterek
or on Mr. Salvitore de Marino?
I would aslo like to know if Salvatore De Marino is the
relative of Don De Marino of the same name?
Was General Thomas Stafford, the Nasa/ Air force official
Declan claims met him at Newark airport in the early 1990s?
Please ask Mr. Ganley if he can answer these questions and if
he has a statement to go with the story.
You will note that I requested an interview with Declan sometime
ago which was "being considered" I feel that as several weeks have
passed without receiving replies to several emails that mu offer
has been declined.Please contact Mr. Ganley with my queries as
a matter of urgency
as I intend to publish my story by noon today.
Yours people korps the blogger
Anita Kelly
8 April 2009 09:36
To: peoplekorps@gmail.com
Declan Ganley has agreed to a talk with you, face to face.
Can you send me a contact number to arrange a time? I'll be out of the
office for a while and will have patchy internet service.
Anita Kelly
people korps
to Anita Kelly
date 8 April 2009 12:01
subject Re:
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 8 Apr
Follow up message
Dear Anita, I am holding publication while I consider your
offer, I feel that some parameters would be important to
agree in advance, such as length of interview and range of topics
that would be discussed. I have no interest in doing an interview where Declan Ganley merely covers the same ground that he has covered ad nauseam in the main stream media which I feel have not answered the questions raised by my blog in any way.
As Declan Ganley uses the media to deliver accusatory
soundbites without detailed elaboration I would expect the
opportunity to seek the detailed answers raised by his claims and assertions.
In the meantime , is there any clarification forthcoming on
the three people I have mentioned? Is Declan Ganley willing
to discuss my concerns fully and frankly and at the length
it may take to cover the ground I wish to cover?
Is video permissible?
Best Wishes
John McGuirk
8 April 2009 17:06
To: Anita Kelly
Cc: peoplekorps@gmail.com
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
Any reply?
2009/4/8 Anita Kelly
Add star
people korps
8 April 2009 18:18
To: john.mcguirk@libertas.eu
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
Dear John, was that intended for me re the "any reply", I have replied an d
forwarded to you.
It seems that you are all very interested in my recent questions.
I have a few for you also, if you would like to do an interview?
Add star
John McGuirk
8 April 2009 18:22
To: people korps
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
I sent it to you in error, for which I apologise. I have a policy of
not doing interviews - I'm back room staff, as I'm sure you
understand. I occasionally speak on behalf of the organisation,
but so does Anita, and you were dealing with her.
Hope you're well,
After several months refusing to do an interview with an anonymous
bloggerDeclan Ganley agrees to interview on receipt of questions about
his wife's uncle, brother and their business partner Salvitore de marino
and a question re a US Airforce general said relatives of wife and pal
hired to make a company look better.
Blogger responds by NOT doing as he was told ie to give his location and
phone number (yeah right) but instead before he will go to the next level
seeks guarantees about the nature of the interview and whether he can
video tape. Anita Kelly fails to respond and obviously failed to appraise
John McGuirk that a response had been received. McGuirk emails "Any
responses" and bccs the blogger , The blogger forwards response to
second Libertas press officer.
libertas worker posts lying blog about affair and insist blogger a chicken.
Cookie are you for real,
People Korps emailed earlier and is still waiting for a response re the
interview plus ganley used the same line next day to interns in Brussels
saying that the blogger was "afraid" and that he was going to sue the
blogger "people korps".................interns report same to blogger and on
and on
people Korps is still waiting for a response.........plus I am further
informed that a recent request to Anita Kelly for comment re Naoise
Nunn was answered and cced to peoplekorps Caroline Simons and
John McGuirk "Ignore this eejit"
Tut tut cookie i see your version is Quote: "Anyway, as we can see from the
email exchange (assuming it's not been edited by you) Anita had agreed to allow
an interview between you and Declan Ganley and asked that you
forward your details so it could be arranged." details? the bloggers details?
....oh you silly little things that is not how
bloggers like people korps work, had Anita responded guaranteeing the
nature of the interview then the blogger would possibly have bought a
disposable mobile and given a contact number.........given that Ganley
was boosting to his interns that he was getting a "cease and desist order"
on the blogger the next day it sounds to me like there is more to this than
the lies on your blog cookie
Either you are being lied to by Anita Kelly and Declan Ganley,
you cant read or you are a blatant liar tryin g to spin like Libertas love to spin
anyhoos people korps is available 24 7 at peoplekorps@gmail.com __________________
Say No to Libertas Blog Political websites bans political terminology
Latest Infractions Received
Posted By David Cochrane Post Date 15th April 2009 08:10 AM
Expires Never Points 5 Reason Using thet term fascism..
Last edited by OMahonyMunster; 1 Minute Ago at 12:49 AM.
I am still receiving mails from Anita Kelly but not about the Ganley interview
from people korps
to Anita Kelly
, John McGuirk
, carolinesimons@eircom.net
date 28 April 2009 14:48
subject Any comment on Naoise Nunn ?
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 28 Apr (8 days ago)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anita Kelly
Date: 2009/4/28
Subject: Re: Any comment on Naoise Nunn ?
To: people korps
Cc: John McGuirk, carolinesimons@eircom.net
Ignore this eejit
| show details 01:14 (0 minutes ago) |
Dear Anita , You are well aware that you failed to respond to me not
the other way around re an interview with Declan Ganley. Friday 10 April
I was informed that Declan had told interns in the office in Brussels ie your office that he had already secured a cease and desist order (did he mean injunction?) against me.
As a press representative you should at least try to keep up the pretence of veracity , though I know it is hard given the organisation you work for.
The blog is doing very well and is a great source for people checking out the issues in the elections eg
Is Mise Le meas
People Korps
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